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Living. Leading. Serving.

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I would tell you my name but, just by you coming to this site you already know what it is! I'm Chantel Maria (hopefully you feel this giant grin on my face)! I'm glad that you are here, this site is dedicated to my love of service and quality. Do you have an event or idea that you may feel is too big for you to manage, alone? Could it be that you just need an objective set of eyes to assist you on the day of the event? You are in the right place!  I have a gift of being able to find the magic in the details. Let me take the stress of contracts, schedules, and communications off of your hands... I guarantee satisfaction!

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Writer's pictureChantel Maria

3 Steps to A Great Event

1.Know what you want and don't let anyone change your mind!

Nothing is more frustrating for me as an event coordinator/manager than knowing my client's vision then watching someone else attempt to change it based on their own capabilities. This is one of the many reasons that I handle vendor requests. My highest priority is to ensure that my client recieves exactly what he or she is asking for, and if the specific vendor is not capabale to do the job then my job will be to find someone who can.

2. Contracts, Contracts, Contracts... Oh...did I say Contracts

If you don't have it in writing then it not only will not happen... but, it wasn't even an idea that was discussed! Please do not agree to pay for any services without signing a contract or at least receiving an itemized invoice first! This is for your own security. Day-of "miscommunications" are all too common at the hands of poor customer service or laziness from vendors. A contract is your safety net financially if any action needs to be taken. 

3. Give every minute a name

A day of timeline is ESSENTIAL to having a successful event. I believe that people tend to think that only church, conferences, and networking events require a schedule.  That just isn't true! I have been to enough birthday parties, baby showers, and weddings that have those weird empty moments... You know the moments that I'm talking about; Where everyone is just looking around and the person with the mic is sweating waiting to hear what to do next from a voice in the back of the room. Awkward. The fix to that is a simple schedule and assigning a name to every segment of your event day. 


4:00-6:00 Room Setup 

6:30-7:15 Guest Arrival 

7:15-7:20 Host Introduction 

7:20-8:00 Guest Dinner

I have assisted with so many events over years and these 3 things are KEY to a successful, stress-free event! Leave me a note and let me know what your 3 things are or what you think I should add to this list! 



Professors may evaluate students based on their participation in class discussions, group activities, presentations, and workshops. Participation assessments consider students' engagement, contributions to discussions, critical analysis of topics, and ability to collaborate with peers.Homework assignments are practice tasks designed to reinforce learning outside of class. They can include do my assignment and problem-solving tasks. Homework assessments evaluate students' understanding of material, ability to apply concepts, and completion of assigned tasks.


Essay writing is a skill that requires finesse and precision. From selecting a captivating topic to structuring coherent arguments, every step plays a vital role. Researching thoroughly and organizing ideas effectively are essential for creating a compelling narrative. Furthermore, mastering the art of crafting engaging introductions and powerful conclusions elevates the overall impact of your essay. Through practice and dedication, one can unlock the potential of essay writing, transforming thoughts into eloquent expressions that resonate with readers.


Essay writing is more than a mere academic exercise; it is a pathway to expressive excellence. At its core, an essay is a medium for articulating ideas, arguments, and perspectives. To excel in this craft, one must embrace the art of research, meticulously gathering evidence to support phd research proposal help assertions. Structure is paramount, with a clear introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a cogent conclusion guiding the reader through the narrative. However, it’s the writer’s voice, weaving through the prose, that truly captivates. With each revision, the essay evolves, polished to shine with clarity, coherence, and conviction. Embrace the journey; through essay writing, one hones the skill of effective communication, a tool indispensable in all facets of life.


May 03, 2023

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Mar 20, 2023

Die Leitung eines Marketingunternehmens kann eine Herausforderung sein, aber die Lektüre dieses Artikels ist eine einfache Möglichkeit, eine Pause einzulegen und neue Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Es ist eine Win-Win-Situation - vielleicht machen Sie dabei sogar etwas Gewinn.

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  • One pre-planning meeting 

  • Managing staff/volunteers 

  • Guest relations

  • Event schedule coordination

  • Coordinating setup/breakdown of event

  • 2 Weeks- 1 month of pre planning 

  • Running day of errands

  • Keeping track of vendors

  • Managing staff/volunteers

  • Managing venue and vendor contracts

  • Guest relations


  • All EVENT ONLY services

  • All DAY OF services

  • 2+ months of pre planning correspondence

  • Assisting with finding vendors 

  • Finalizing all financial obligations

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